Dino-mite! Starting to come together

There are so many things I’d like to develop and offer in my Etsy/Folksy shop that I often have difficulty focusing and have ended up feeling like it’s all spread a bit thin. It’s normally through customer requests that I start developing things a bit more logically. I’ve recently had some requests for printed decorations […]

new birthday invitations

I’ve finally listed a couple of new children’s birthday party invitations: a spooky theme and a teddy bear tea party. The spooky one was designed for my son’s first birthday party and the other for his friend’s but they’re both now on Folksy. spooky birthday invitation sdfafd teddy bear tea party

Folksy Friday – Gocco

I wanted a gocco machine for ages and I got one two years ago. I think I’ve used it once. Mainly, in all fairness, because I don’t have access to an old-school carbon copier. But it’s still one of my favourite things and finding a way to use it more often is definitely up there […]

little bulldog design

I officially back from maternity leave to my freelance business, little bulldog design, a couple of months ago, but you wouldn’t really know it as not much in the way of work has come in. I blamed it on the recession for a little while, but it quickly became apparent that my clients had either […]